According to recent reports, Pavel Durov is finally released by the French authorities after four days in custody. However, the release is not as smooth as it seems, because the prosecutors have imposed certain conditions for his release. According to reports, the Telegram founder is banned from leaving France and will remain under supervision, fueling speculations in the market.
Pavel Durov Released By French Authorities
Telegram founder Pavel Durov is finally released by French authorities today, on August 28, but with certain conditions. The news has taken the global market by storm, given the immense support he has received on a global scale. Notably, “#FREEDUROV” was one of the most-used hashtags on social media platforms following the detention of the Telegram CEO.
According to recent reports citing the Paris Prosecutor’s office, the CEO will remain under judicial supervision. He won’t be allowed to leave the “territory of France” despite the release. In addition, Durov must pay €5 million for his bail, the report added.
Meanwhile, a flurry of users on social media platforms, including big shots like Elon Musk, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., among others, has demanded the release of him. Many have slammed the French authorities and President Emmanuel Macron over the recent arrest.
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